Monday, 27 June 2016

A Question of Soul

 The Wisdom of the Soul

Each one of us holds within a wisdom that has not come from any book or been taught in any school. It is a wisdom of truth and of knowing and it is held deep within. Asked how we know, we answer, we simply know, there is no logic, there is no explanation, there just is, and it is this is, that guides us throughout our lives and it is our Soul.

As people having been born at this time on the Earth where materialized styles of living have become applauded, we find ourselves slowly from birth being socialized into the ethos of ownership, separation and a belief in lack. We learn to believe in and give value where no value exists, and we learn to trust in a way of life and existence that does not resonate with who we are. Our inner most knowing strives to maintain our truth but life as we learn to believe in counter acts this knowing and blocks us from fulfilling our life path. This inner knowing of our 'Soul Self' continues to call to us, but it often contradicts our manifested reality, and so in desperation and confusion we turn it off.  We say to ourselves - there is no point giving room for my Soul to breath, this is Life, isn’t it?

Fear of Lack Imprisons the Mind

Fear of the imagined lack we have learned to believe in imprisons the mind to believe in its existence, yet there is no lack in the universe. The only lack that exists is in our own minds. We in turn grow up, from baby to child to adolescent to adult, forming and joining groups and societies that promote separation and isolation of organic wholeness and in this process we lose ourselves, and it is no surprise. Modernity has thrived on people being shackled to holograms of what they should prosper to be, and on attaining values and identity of who you are, based on what you do, what you have accumulated, where you live and how you speak. We learn to treat each other as separate, and in turn we learn to treat our own parts of ourselves as separate. In short we loose touch with who we are and we forget why we came to this Earth in the first place.

The Heart / Mind, Soul / Spirit Separation

Growing up in this environment naturally leads us to disconnect, and over the course of our lives we develop splits and separations within ourselves and with our own truth. The most common separation among people in contemporary society is with the Heart and the Mind. The growing emphasis on the hierarchy of the Mind has led to the Heart becoming something to be controlled, even denied. Placing such restrictions on matters of Heart lead to people becoming disconnected, split and lost in themselves.  Sometimes this separation becomes so sever that the two parts learn to work in complete opposition to each other. The Heart feels so much and the Mind thinks so much, yet often each act in a state of not knowing what the other is doing, or why it is doing what it is. This not knowing often occurs with the two parts functioning at a level of impatient intolerance with the other.

Add to this the loss of a connection with Spirit and Soul and you find that it is no mystery that a lot of human beings live their lives in disharmony with themselves, being thrown from one state to the other, living a life in confusion and bewilderment at what they truly want, what will make and keep them happy, what they’re doing with their lives and what they’re not.

Creating Harmony in Your Life

You cannot have harmony in your life if you do not have harmony in yourself. So even with the most basic level of separations, be it the Heart / Mind split and or the Spirit / Soul Separation you will find yourself living in a whirl of confusion, possible guilt, anguish, despair and conflict, and when in conflict you are in battle, only in this war the enemy is yourself. If this holds true for you, you will find you spend most of your life working against yourself instead of for yourself and this is simply because you do not Know yourself in all your parts. You may find you follow certain paths only to discover at the end of it that it is not the path you were looking for. You search for paths but really what you are looking for is yourself and your Truth.

Life in all its joys and complexities teaches us how to disconnect. Not knowing how to reclaim ourselves we keep going forward in whatever direction we seem to be pointed, whether that direction is what we truly want or not, this is also true on a collective consciousness level and on a planetary level.  Taking stock of ourselves and slowing down long enough to see, is the only way we can begin to step out and create the life we truly desire and aspire to live.

Reclaiming Your Truth

The answer to reclaiming your Truth is simple, just stop. Stop battling with yourself, stop ignoring yourself and start listening. You and all your parts have all the answers. You can live your life blind, hiding from yourself, or you can choose to want to open your eyes and see. Going within, with Heart, gives your Soul air to breathe and unfolds your own divine wisdom so that you can heal yourself and follow your own unique guidance. Healing awakens Spirit and frees your Mind to follow the journey of your Soul.

We all have the power to create a heaven here on Earth, the first step is simply a stepping back, back into ourselves and back into our Truth.

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