Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Peaceful Power of Reiki

The Peaceful Power of Reiki

The Peaceful Power of Reiki


Charity Amy Murphy 
Reiki goes back to around 3,000 B.C. and has been practiced for thousands of years. A Japanese scholar, Dr. Mikao Usui, rediscovered the lost art in the 19 century and began healing and attuning people all around the world into its healing energy. It is for people of all faiths, belief systems and religions and is used to bring healing and balance into peoples lives.

In order to practice Reiki a person must be attuned to the energy by a Reiki Master. This energy is progressively strengthened and focused by initiation into the three levels or degrees of Reiki. As a Reiki and Seichem healer I have been attuned and initiated into all three levels of Tera-Mai™ Reiki and Tera-Mai™ Seichem, and I am a Master in both healing arts.

Tera-Mai™ – Seichem healing originates from and works through the same source as Tera-Mai™ Reiki. Whereas Reiki is an ‘Elemental Earth Energy’, Seichem brings in the added healing rays of ‘Fire’, ‘Air’ and ‘Water’ to work through the Reiki energy and thus bring about an enhancement to the attuned healer’s potential.

The knowledge of how the extra elemental healing rays of fire, water and air could be channelled was given to Kathleen Milner, the initiator of Tera Mai™ Reiki. A description of these energies and how they may feel in a healing session is given below.


A Brief Description of Healing Energies

* Earth (Reiki) energy is experienced as hot and cold (just like the surface of the planet). It works on the physical body and grounds all healing work. It also harmonises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

* Water (Sophi-El) is experienced as undulating waves of cool energy that brings up deep emotional issues for healing. Thus, the healee is able to feel the negative emotions and then release them to the Tera-Mai healer, who gives the negativity to the angels for transformation. It helps open the heart to receive love and compassion therefore assisting greatly with emotional healing.

* Fire (Sakara) is clearly distinguished as rapid pulses or sparks of low voltage electricity. Oftentimes, the healer will experience the sensation of pins & needles-like energy in the palms of his/her hands. Healees often feel the sparkling energy or a current or energy on or in their body. Sakara gives the healer the ability to heal the aura or energy field surrounding the living.

* Air (Angeliclight) is the 2-fold energy of air and spirit. It enhances the healing ability of the third eye and the voice and breath. It helps bring about mental healing. The presence of angels is often experienced. It can be felt as a a cool breeze as the Angeliic-light Air work with Spirit to bring gentle and deep healing.

Ethical Principles of Reiki
Just for today do not worry.
Just for today do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to everything.
– Dr. Mikao Usui

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